Friday, February 14, 2014





  1. Hi alot of the stuff in the house dont work for me, could you tell me why as i really love this house? thank you!

  2. Hi Anon,

    Do you mean that some stuff is flashing blue or that the objects are replaced with other objects? If its flashing blue then simply click on it and Google to find the master mesh or ask me here and I'll link you to it. If the objects are replaced then most likely you don't have the EP or SP needed for the object.

  3. Um What expansions do you need for this because I only have double deluxe and I just want to know before. I download

  4. Hi, I have AL, OFB, NL, and Seasons. I also have Ikea installed but you don't really need this to be able to play. The others you do...

  5. Hi I mean the stuff is flashing blue. Here is what is missing...all the books and files and stuff on the very top floor in the office, i think there like Chanel and designer books. The stand that the tv is sitting on downstairs. and the Jonesi bed blanket and some plants outside and also some kitchen accessories.
